Method of firing: You will need a care tire not mounted on the rim The larger and heavier the better. FWIW, that will be 2 3/4' or shorter None of the 3' or 3 1/2' shells,regardless of what powder they are loaded with will be safe. Make sure you explain EXACTLY what gun you have and what the chamber length is. However there are several catalog sources.Try these This is not avaialbel in your common market place.You're not going to find it at a Big Box Mall Mart store and damned few Gun is a specialty item
If you were to fire it then a BLACKPOWDER loaded ammo would be the one. Actually NONE! First ithas to be checked for safety The integrity of the barrel may be suspect in that this is a Blackpoweder and corrosive primer era gun If one cleaning after firing was skipped then the possibility of damage looms great.